Friday, September 30, 2011

His Girl Friday

1.       His Girl Friday is a 40’s screwball comedy directed by Howard Hanks. The film is mostly a fast paced, rapid dialogued film about Walter Burns who finds out his ex- wife Hildy Johnson is quitting her job at the morning post to get remarried and start a new life as a mother and wife. The addition of a female bought a new perspective to the film in which made it more of a comedy/romance movie. Originally the film was supposed to feature a male character instead of Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russel) who was the other protagonist along with Walter Burns (Cary Grant)
2.       The film His Girl Friday grew a lot of popularity in the early 40’s based on its rapid paced dialogue. Although the addition of audio was still being experimented in the early ages of filming, His Girl Friday took it to another level. The film also gained a lot of attention because of the cast and the plot of the story. In this movie you have the two main protagonist who were previously married but Walter Burns the ex husband does everything in his will to make sure that his wife Hildy doesn’t leave just yet, until they cover one last story.
3.       This article basically gives the description of the film, except that you cant personally visualize the film. This is a movie in which you have to see yourself to know the dialogue between the characters and the emotions between them as well. This movie also has a lot of comical moments which is why its considered a screwball comedy, except with this film you know the tone of the characters, where as in other screwball comedies they are silent.
4.        I personally enjoyed watching this film and also had a lot of relations with the character of Walter. Walter is like many of us males, with TO MUCH pride. Yet he still manages ways to still get his ex-wife to not leave to Albany to start her new life. I feel like I could relate to that because as a male I would also go out of my way to make sure that the love of my life does not walk out of my life as easily and realized that what we had was better than what she has now. In this case that’s what Walter did, he went out of his way for her and at the end he came out the victor with Hildy leaving with him. I really think that for a film that was directed way before I was born that men would still have the same mind set as they do now.

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