Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Godfather

Gustavo Perez

Film 2600

Dr. Londino


1.       In class the discussion that was based on the film The Godfather was that it was one of the best American films directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The film shows how the Italian-Mob oriented families from the years 1945-1955. In the film you see the importance of family traditions such as weddings and other events, in which they carry abundances of food. Also they tend to show how significant honor and loyalty is for the Italian families. The film also gives you a better look of how Mob families would run their businesses. Till this day the film is highly considered as a top 10 film of all times. The film also influenced many directors in making movies with the similarities of Mob related families and how they operate. One influenced would be Martin Scorsese’s and the film Goodfellas. The show Goodfellas would also be another film that was influenced by the great film The Godfather. The film also shows a lot of tragedy, sex, and violence which was not too popular with how most films were directed in the time the movie was released.

2.       This article basically talks about the importance of The Godfather and how it revolutionized the thought of many films after it and the impact that it created in Hollywood. Also it shows on how successful the film was in the time that it came out grossing $134 million in the box office. The film was also nominated for Ten Academy Awards nomination winning 3 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actor (Marlo Brando), and Best Adapted Screenplay.

3.       The article summarizes the main parts of the film itself. The only difference is that in order to embrace on how good the film actually is, is by watching the movie and visualizing the effects, camera angling, and the significant parts played by each character and how they influence each seen and other characters around them. The article also highlights the most important and influential parts of the movies such as quotes and scenes which soon enough transpired into other Hollywood films, mainly the ones that we see today.

4.       Personally, The Godfather was definitely a top ten film in which I would recommend to every Film student and anybody pursuing a career with media and film, because the film just shows many aspects of an Italian-Mob based family in the late 40’s early 50’s and it depicts actual violence and realistic scenes that would most likely occur. The filming and lighting to the film is also exceptional. The lighting determines the mood and the setting of the characters and gives you a feeling of what is going to come next. As stated before the film shows a different aspect in general and it is definitely a must watch. Come to think of it, it made me appreciate American Film making much more than what it did before.

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